A Hunt For A Home Is On

I’m not so sure pottery is the thing I’ll be into after all this week. Hubby and I are beginning to feel a bit stir crazy, longing for a place to call home. We’ve entertained the thought of building but right now a place to call home is winning. When we started house hunting, we had a list of things we wanted in our next home. Unfortunately there’s not a lot of property for sale in this area to begin with so we had to reluctantly skim some of our wishes off the list. The one requirement we have is that our basement be a walk out so that I can use it as my studio. It is also required so that we can easily transfer a thousand pounds of clay without doing stairs. I was in contact with our Realtor this weekend and she’s getting ready to take me house hunting this week. So, as the Realtor says, we’re starting all over from scratch. Hubby leaves for Boston today and will be back Thursday night. Maybe I’ll have something exciting to show him when he gets home.