The Weekend Rocked

Oh the things we accomplished over the weekend.

Getting new cell phones was a big event for us.  We got our very first smart phones yesterday, May 1, 2011!  We agreed that it felt like signing more papers than purchasing a home.

Since we’ve been with Verizon for many years and very happy with our service, we could not imagine switching over to AT&T.  So we waited and waited some more.  With rumors of the iPhone 4 hitting the market, we waited some more.  We were bound to get the iPhone (with Verizon service) up until hubby read the reviews.  It turned out to be a no-go.  So we waited and contemplated and that’s when hubby turned his sights over to the Thunderbolt.

When the Thunderbolt by HTC hit the market, it truly got hubby’s attention all the way around.  As for me, it didn’t get my attention ’til it hit the palm of my hand.  I had no clue what I was missing.  The service is top notch and the quality of this guy rocks our world.

I was all set to keep the old phone ’til it died.

The texts were always short and sweet and only done with hubby.  It got the job done.

But now?  Take a look at this.  Even tho I had an idea what I was missing, I’m finally able to grasp it first-hand.

Of course many of you know this already.  But it sure is a lot different when experiencing it for the first time.   I may trade in my lap top for this little dandy.  I kid, but that’s how much fun I’m having at the moment.

We had company yesterday!  This is the first time for both hubby and me to see a lizard this size in the wild.  This does not include zoos/pets.  He came running right up to the back door and wanted in.  Hubby said “get the camera!”  Hubby estimated him to be at least 18″ – 20″ long.  He was HUGE!

Over the weekend we also accomplished other things like:

  • 2 trips to the party supply store
  • A trip to party rentals – we’re renting a table and chairs for the party next weekend.  It seems the way to go to have the items delivered and picked up after our little outdoor event.
  • A trip to Wal-Mart, TJ Max, Home Depot and even the .99 cent store
  • A number of fun things were purchased for the party and I can hardly wait to get things set up.

Cheers to an exciting week!  Instead of working in the studio this week, I’m/we’re planning a party.  Fun ~ Fun!

Blessings – Debbie

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