My Cup is Full

Good afternoon!  Is your cup full?  Well, mine just reached the overflowing part and I have some to spare.

Although the last couple of months, it hasn’t been this full.  And I’ve notice my glass at the half full mark.  There’s been a lack of things in the cup like fruit and veggies.  And I could tell my system was off.

So I was thinking this week, why not get back to my green monster that I love so much?  It’s packed full of all things good!

Today was just the day to make it happen.

I used Chobani yogurt instead of the Almond milk that I’ve used in the past.  I quite like the creaminess it produced.  It was nice and thick without adding ice.

For this full glass I used:  1 Black Cherry Chobani Yogurt + 5 oz orange + 3 oz fresh spinach = a 235 calorie beverage

I’m learning along the way that our cup doesn’t have to remain at the half full mark.  If there’s something we lack, why not fill the void in a big way?

Cheers to a full cup!

Blessings – Debbie

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