What I Consider a VIP

Good afternoon!  It’s that kind of afternoon when all feels right with the world.  Birds are chirping, it’s such a pretty day and after the pool man leaves, I may go soak in the sunshine (with my 30 sunblock) for a spell.

These pictures have nothing to do with this post, but they were taken during my stroll in the garden this morning.

It’s also an exciting day because hubby and I are looking to pick up a dumbbell set complete with a rack this evening.  I wonder how sore my arms will feel in the morning?

We’ve come such a long way in the last 9 months and it’s only getting better on the health front.

Although, Pinterest is killing me with all the things I find that need pinning.  Truth be told, most of the sweet/not so healthy things I pin, I think about using around the holidays or special parties/events.

Speaking of holidays, I’m happy to report that we haven’t baked anything since last Christmas.  I’m pretty impressed.

That’s not to say we haven’t had our sweet tooth taken care of every now and then.  And there is no shame allowed when we agree to a sweet treat/unhealthy meal fix.  In doing those things, we’ve found that our bodies are so forgiving after the splurge.  And we find that sometimes it’s just good for the soul to get it out of the system.

To celebrate every pound down as a (VIP) Very Important Pound, is huge.  Each pound down is a victory, worthy of celebration!

Blessings – Debbie

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