I'm Getting There

Wow, I really did impress myself.  I set a goal to get caught up on the blog and all of the vacation pix by today.  It happened!  I like how the blog allows us to change the date of the entry.  Note:  all vacation blog posts have the correct date assigned to each post.

This is the post where I get caught up from Saturday, May 12 thru Saturday morning, May 19th.

Saturday May 12 and Sunday May 13 – This is the picture of what things looked like for us back home.  We chilled, relaxed, rested and basically kicked back all weekend.  And the picture of where we spent hours recharging our batteries.

Monday – While Home Sweet Home was the place to restore our energy over the weekend, we did hit a bit of a rough patch Monday morning.  Why is that?  While we went thru the motions of making coffee and getting hubby off to work.  It was more like, welcome to the day that’s not quite right.  A day I wished hubby could just retire and call it a day.

Tuesday – Tuesday felt much like Monday but better.  Hubby invited me to meet him for lunch.  That seemed just the ticket to brighten my morning and afternoon.  After lunch, I was able to get some much-needed grocery shopping done and I did squeeze in an afternoon nap.

Wednesday – We were getting close to getting back to normal, but not 100%.

Thursday, what did I do on Thursday?  If my memory serves me right, I worked hard on getting those vacation pix in order.  And I blogged.  And enjoyed the garden.

I also discovered I Was Wrong – This fruit tree out back is not a fig tree like I thought the landlord told us months ago.  It’s a Nectarine!  Last Thursday, I walked out to inspect the fruit trees.  Sure enough, the fruit was finally nice and soft and ready to eat.  I had 5 of these guys on the spot with juice up to my elbows while constantly sopping juice off my hands such that I didn’t make a total mess.

Friday Favorites = Wind chimes – Windows open – Birds chirping – Sunshine – A walk in the garden – Fresh fruit from the garden – New shoes – Polish change – and the best part, A lunch date with hubby.  I Love Friday!

Friday Least Favorite Turned Favorites – by the evening = Clean house, laundry done, ironing 100% done, clean sheets and a fresh clean home for hubby to come home to.

Friday – Yes, I finally found my stride and everything seemed back to normal and all was right with the world.

Saturday morning – I enjoyed our beautiful morning and the hand I was dealt.  No alarm, another round of fresh fruit from the garden and it’s the weekend!  Truly a fun-filled weekend to look forward to with the hubs.

This brings us up to speed with Saturday morning May 19th.

Blessings – Debbie

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