The Little Picture

While I do love looking at the big picture, sometimes dissecting it can help understand what the big picture is all about.

Like this tiny little flower.  This flower would go unnoticed as it’s no more than the size of an eraser on the end of a pencil.  And it’s not until I stop what I’m doing and just observe all the different things around me do I even notice the tiniest of things.

I worked again with that spider web.  I like the way the sun drops weave in and out.

This bush is producing blossoms like I’ve never seen before.  To open our eyes to adjust to our surroundings, allows us to see things we’ve never seen before.

This amazes me…

Of course I have that little peach rose bud on my mind.  I had to run over for a little visit to see how it’s coming along.

Surprise, surprise!  This tree that just shed the prettiest yellow leaves last month is already in full blossom.  I can’t get over this new change already.

Looking up into this little tree I noticed the most unusual changes.  This is yet another thing I saw for the first time.

The world is full of change, but I’m having fun at home dissecting the little picture.  Sometimes change is at our feet while other times all we have to do is look up.

Blessings – Debbie

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