Hat Rack

A few weeks ago hubby asked Mr. Lee to hold his pool stick.  And Mr. Lee continues to keep up his end of the bargain.  Sorry for posting the same pic again but here’s the visual in case you forgot.

Let me introduce to you Mr. Lee’s friend (I’ll have to ask hubby his name).

 Anyway, I just noticed for the first time ever that hubby used Mr. Lee’s buddy to hold his hat…like so.

This just tickled me to no end when I saw it and I think hubby thought it would.  He must have put it there last night after I had gone to bed.  I have no idea his motive.  Whatever it was I’m grinning ear to ear.  Was it that he wanted me to laugh?  Did he just stick it there for the fun of it?  Was that initial D just for me?  Sure, he’s had this hat but it’s not one he normally wears.  I’m so confused and can’t wait to ask what was behind this.

In other news.  I just got home from having my hair colored.  Boy it needed it!  I feel I’ve earned every single white hair, now I like to dress them up!

I passed by the roses in the garden and I stopped right in my tracks, turned around and gave them my utmost attention.

I love the free cheer I received

I’m so smitten that I may have to just go pick him and place him by the kitchen sink.

But first things first.  I must work before I play, so I’m off to shoo away the dust bunnies and mop my floors.

Blessings ~ Debbie

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