Food Balance

I’m a huge fan of my veggies, any and all I positively love for the exception of brussel sprouts. I’ve tried them every way possible and they just don’t agree with me. But one of my absolute favorite veggies of the week has been the red bell pepper. I love the sweetness about that vegetable and I think he’s great both raw and cooked.

I found a new love of taking pictures of food. Perhaps it’s because the newness of my camera has not worn off and I really think food is such a beautiful thing.

A beautiful red pepper

True beauty inside out

I tossed him in a pot with a chopped red onion

I love the aroma these create and the flavor from these guys, wow I could go for round two tonight!

I seasoned them up and piled the whole thing on a plate with a nice turkey burger. That was one healthy, huge and satisfying lunch.

Because I’ve been embracing healthy eating (for the most part) I’m celebrating a 40 pound weight loss as of this morning! I hold fast to my outlook that life goes on, parties, holidays and birthdays happen and when they do I don’t hold back one bit for those special times. There’s a time and place for all things good and I find that balance makes for a very happy and healthy me.

3 thoughts on “Food Balance

  1. WOW… 40lbs is GREAT! Your photos of your food are sooooo pretty I could eat them! And I have to say I’m not a fan of peppers… but those I would be willing to try!
    ENJOY your day!

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