Our Visit In The Mid West

I fell off the Blog wagon and it’s hard to get up, due to being so far behind. I thought I was going to have time to blog when we were back home but for some reason, blogging and vacationing don’t mix well with me. Now let’s see, where was I

We left St Louis on Monday November the 12th and went to Missouri to visit Hubby’s Sister and her Son and daughter-in-law and their two daughters. Little Connie was born just hours before we arrived at the hospital.

Baby Connie was born just hours before we arrived. What another precious little girl God has given our nephew his wife.

Proud parents of two very special little girls. Daddy is holding Samantha and Mommy with her precious new bundle of joy. Samantha just loves her new little sister and we were told that she cried when the nurses took her baby sister from the room.

Bobby’s Sister aka grandma. She’s so proud of her kids and she just adores her grandbabies so much.

Great Uncle and Aunt get in on this exciting day. I was honored to be handed the baby the moment we walked in the room, I must have bonded with her for an hour or so. How sweet it was to hold my Great Niece Connie. Sweet little Samantha was so shy and didn’t remember us although she did let us give her a little hug goodbye when it was time for us to leave.

What a wonderful visit we had with family and we look forward to seeing all of them again sometime.

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