Leisure Day

Today was a leisure day where I didn’t have to be anywhere at any certain time. Hubby left bright and early on his trip to Maryland for a few days so I went with the flow.

I started off by crawling back in bed as Hubby left before daylight and got a few more z’s before starting the day. I went down to breakfast around 10 and met my buddy Evelyn down there. We had a nice little visit until sometime around 11:30 or so and then I was off doing my thing. I went to the mall and splurged on a few clothes and enjoyed browsing through all the wonderful holiday displays.

Then it was time for a little drive where I ended up taking a few more pictures. It was truly a peaceful day filled with lots of blessings.

I thought all the leaves would be gone by now but the beauty hangs on a bit longer.

I also took time along the way for some pretty flowers

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