The Task At Hand

We spent a good deal of time outside working in our yard this weekend. We worked on trimming the bushes in the flowerbeds, pulling weeds and getting things all spruced up for spring. We both have a mower so we zipped around here giving the lawn its first cut of the year. Bobby applied fertilizer and weed killer to the lawn while I used the blower on the drive and sidewalks. It was so nice to be outside working in 69 degree weather but oh is my body ever talking to me. It’s relaying aches and pains that have not been around in a while but the exercise was so good. As the summer draws closer, we’ll be ready to hire the lawn service again.

Bobby’s given me an assignment for the next 2 – 3 weeks, or however long it takes. He wants me to pick out window treatments for the family room. Now that we have our colors and everything the way we want in there, we’re both ready for the windows to take on a new look. I can’t wait to get right on it.

Before I get all wrapped up in the window treatment assignment, I want to concentrate on the upcoming yard sale this coming weekend. It’s time to go through our things and weed out so that’s where my focus will be this week.

I know my focus has changed from pottery and my pottery goals have been altered. I had no idea at the time that we would find our new furniture so fast as we had looked a long time for it. Nor did we consider doing a yard sale at the time either, now we have a garage FULL of things and the annual yard sale for the development came at the right time for us so here we are. I will not be entering a piece of pottery for the draw on Wednesday as my glazing has taken backseat for the time being. One of these days I’ll be able to focus full time on pottery but for now, duty calls.

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