I Need A Stool Please

From the time I can remember, I’ve always been one who likes doing things ‘big’. I’ll never forget standing on a chair whipping up my favorite chocolate chip cookies when I was a very small girl. When it came time to place the batter on the cookie sheets the cookies came out like giants. More like fitting about 6 cookies on one cookie sheet.

I’ve been a little intimidated making very large things and have stayed in my comfort zone for the most part. Today I just finished putting together my largest piece ever. The piece is desk level and there’s no way I can reach into this piece without my stool. While standing on my little stool took me back to my childhood memories of standing up on chairs to reach the sink to do dishes, cook or whatever… Fond memories they are. I’ll have to get the measurements of my kiln so that I can challenge myself to make something that will take up the whole kit n caboodle.

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