Monday’s News

Our oldest nephew Brenton turned 13 yesterday. How did that little man that I once cradled in my arms grow so fast? He’s taller than me, ok it doesn’t take much to arrive at my 5’ ½ “ stature, but he’s way past me now. He plays football, basketball and is just an all around great kid.

Dad is moving right along with his Bells Palsy. He is not out of the woods yet but he is gaining a little control over that side of his face. I think it’s going to be one of those longer recoveries for him but his spirits are soaring.

Just made our Christmas reservations. I’m so excited and look forward to our Christmas this year as always.

I’m getting all geared up to get our Christmas decorations out of the attic one night this week. The decorations will begin this coming weekend.

It’s another busy week in the studio, so off I go.

3 thoughts on “Monday’s News

  1. ok, the witty one from ny stole my thought but i’ll share anyway. that must be dave or dan. i’m not going with the cute bit, but my daughters would probably have a say-so in that regard.

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