More Info On The Weee

The Weee will be continued on June 19, 2006, same time same place, stay tuned. I’m with you Jennifer. I’ve already asked those kinds of questions. Below is a list of questions I’ve asked and a few other statements from him regarding the issue.

Is it an electronic?

Is something for the garage?

Is it something for inside the house?

Does it belong outside?

He did tell me that the Weee ‘might’ fit under the Christmas tree.

He said I would like it.

He has agreed to give me 1 hint a month but does not promise to answer my questions.

He says his answers are limited.

A side note from the Peanut Gallery. ‘We’ were engaged on Christmas morning, December 25, 1998. I don’t know if this Weee has anything to do with us, but he says it’s an item that must be purchased and if I don’t get it for him, he will get it for himself. I know it’s really an item that must be purchased because he never fibs.

To be continued…

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