That’s It! My Rolling Pins Have To GO!

Not So Fast… That’s All I Have!!!

I have a very nice extra long wooden rolling pin. The manufacture did not make the handles separate from the body of the pin so the handles and body are one solid piece. You may ask “why would you buy such a thing” and my answer would be – “that’s what the ceramic stores carry for rolling out slabs manually.” It’s becoming quite painful for me to roll out my clay slabs and both my hands have blisters tonight. Ahhhh, I found the perfect non stick rolling pin advertised in my Clay Times Magazine. Hooray!!! I thought…this is perfect and with that I sent my $52.00 payment off to get the newest, latest and greatest rolling pin. NOT! I just received my brand spankin’ new pin and it’s a piece of junk – when it comes to rolling out clay slabs!!! It’s like trying to roll out clay with a rolling pin made of soft rubber and it’s very difficult to get a nice even thickness thru the entire slab. GRRR! I found myself going back to my wooden pin even though my hands hurt from the blisters but that’s all I had to use. I really need to get a nice slab roller and I guess that is the next big ticket item ($$$) on my list for the studio. One of these days I will be rolling out slabs like there’s no tomorrow.

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