A Day Of Errands

I have quite a few stops to make:

* Hair done
* Check out a few more Eye Dr offices for glasses
* Oil Change for my truck
* Meet Monica for lunch
* Wal-Mart Stop
* Post Office

Yesterday I made my stop at the gas pump and it cost $52.38 to fill my tank! Crazy prices at the pump these days.

Sis made it home safe and sound yesterday evening, I told her she was not here long enough but her dad and I both said we will take what we can get.

I’m having one of those all out of whack mornings. It’s hard to get back into the swing of things this morning. With last Friday being Hubby’s Friday off and having him home last weekend and Monday – Wednesday with Sis being here; it’s really hard to say what day it feels like to me, but it’s Thursday alright and I feel ready for the weekend already.

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