Will The Piece Ever Dry

I left my pottery piece unwrapped over night in hopes it would be bone dry by morning. It’s fighting with me and giving me a hard time today. I have to get this piece of pottery dry by the end of the day. The fan is on full steam ahead in there and am praying for this last piece to dry by this evening!

I’m like a mother hen going in there every 20 min. or so and giving it a quarter turn to make sure it’s drying evenly. Dry Baby Dry! As the clay dries, it shrinks and if it does not shrink evenly I could be in trouble as it could “crack” and I don’t want that to happen. I’m crossing my fingers for a dry uncracked piece by the end of the day, please! I need enough work to take with me to my workshop this Saturday and it has to be in the kiln tonight!

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