Company’s Coming

And the place is a MESS!

But when a girl gets a last minute phone call from a girlfriend she hasn’t seen in 7 years. And her friend states she and her family will be in town (San Diego) over the weekend. A girl drops everything and opens her home no matter what shape it is in.

So the boys were back to work (yesterday) digging out that hill (left side of image).

Next goes the retaining wall.


The boys also picked up the pavers as we want to have a nice flat surface all the way thru.

Here’s the view earlier this week, notice the pavers?


Image below shows that the pavers were lifted + we had some areas that were no longer level so it was a perfect time to start again with a fresh clean slate.


After the retaining wall goes up. They will add gravel for the foundation, then add the sand over the top of the gravel to provide a nice even surface for the pavers.

One of the big workhorses for this project is the new duel wheel, wheelbarrow.


What a heavy load!


Next up. I wanted to share a picture of the strawberries we planted last weekend. We “hope” to keep the birds out. And to get a nice little bounty for ourselves. We’ll see…


My geranium makes me so happy! I can see it from the kitchen, and it seems to be happy in the garden. New buds are beginning to blossom.


On that note. I have a house to clean, laundry to tend and friends coming over tomorrow.

I’m one happy girl looking forward to the weekend.

Blessings – Debbie

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