A Climb To The Top

It was such a beautiful day for a hike to the top of a nearby mountain.  And yesterday was just the day.  I can say I have successfully reached the summit of a mountain as this was my first experience.  Words can’t express the joy I felt when I reached the top.

My new hiking shoes helped me reach the summit.

Walking sticks, how did hubby know I would need these?  He’s a wise man as I would not have made it to the top without them or him.

There was a black weatherproof box at the top with a book enclosed.  The book was for any and all to sign.  It was fun to reach the top and leave our mark.

Blackhawk in the distance as we enjoy the cool breeze on top of the world.

This was such a high for me as we perched ourselves up there for quite a while.

Our Journey to the top was pretty amazing.

At some point I asked hubby if he remembered to pack the tent.  Tent, what tent?  We don’t own a tent.  But it was one of those times I believe I could have spent the night.

All great adventures have to come to an end.

In this case, it’s time to plan another adventure.  As we like to say, life is one great big adventure after another.

Blessings – Debbie

1 thought on “A Climb To The Top

  1. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!! these pictures! from the cute ones of you and Bob with the background all the way to the view!! Very nice!!
    Made me smile when you made the comment on the tent! I could just see you saying that to Bob with your cute lil smile!
    So glad you and the Hubs had such a fabulous day!! xoxoxoxo

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