Blue Lily GoPro Workshop – 1 of 2

How does one put into words the magic you’ve just experienced?  I can’t, I just can’t do it.  All I know is this, my hubby is witness that I’m still on a high.

I had the privilege of meeting Wendy and Tyler AKA Blue Lily Photography this past weekend for their goPro Workshop.  I came away with more knowledge and respect for this couple than I could have ever imagined.


We had such an amazing happy group from all over the US and Canada.

 It was a colorful group too…


The weekend brought laughter and fun.

The lessons were packed with information.  Help was at our side during breaks or when needed.  Wendy and Tyler are passionate professional photographers eager to share their wealth of knowledge to those just as hungry.

Knowledge in motion…

Dana came all the way from Canada…

Practice ~ Practice ~ Practice

Hi Crystal!

Time at the beach…

Happy faces everywhere…

Don’t forget to kiss the chef…

Getting ready for that first sip of coffee…

My mind is about to explode from all the things we learned, my heart is filled with joy that I had the privilege to be there and my days will be filled with practice.

Here’s our fabulous group shot complements of Wendy and Tyler.  I asked Wendy if she would share these in advance and she graciously agreed.  Thank you!

The only negative – I’m still having a hard time sleeping straight through the night.  The symptoms occurred the first and second day of the workshop.  The symptoms continue after the workshop.

Apparently my mind wants to carry on with the party night and day and it’s not such a bad thing after all.  Party On!

To be continued…

Blessings – Debbie

9 thoughts on “Blue Lily GoPro Workshop – 1 of 2

  1. What an absolutely lovely post Debbie! You captured it so well with the photos and your words. You lit up the room, and made the workshop that much more enjoyable. Can’t wait to see how you use all of this new knowledge. My head is still spinning.

  2. Hi Debbie,
    I just found out my UPS package was delayed due to weather. Do you feel like having a coffee? Where are you exactly? I’m staying at the Carlsbad Inn (760) 434-7020. I don’t have your email. My cell is 780-402-0970. My email is It would be so nice to chat with someone. Feel like talking photography : )

  3. okay okay so i am apparently the very last to write up the sheer awesomeness that ensued this weekend. i promise i will… really.

    debbie – it was great meeting you and spending time getting to know you, neighbor.

    those pictures are awesome. i must have them! 🙂 i’ve got some good ones of you and the crew as well. will email soon. promise…. cam (dot) forbes (at) mac (dot) com

  4. hi debbie!
    wasn’t it just the best?! so much to learn from the brilliant minds of wendy and tyler.
    i loved it.
    loved meeting you.
    loved chatting and sharing with you.
    it was such a wonderful weekend!
    have a great week!
    hope you are getting some rest now!
    i slept ALL day on monday.

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