Concern + Confusion + Adjusting

This new time change has me in a state of concern.  By 3:30pm, the sun has already settled behind the mountain and seems to be bedding down for the night.

From my perspective…

As 4:30 approaches…

And another beautiful day turns to night

On the bright side, my neighbor in the distance already had the lights on last evening.  It’s so cheerful looking at the neighborhood all lit up.  It’s a pretty distraction of the fact that it’s 5:00pm.

And by 8:00pm I begin to catch the sleepy wave.  Then when 10:00pm  rolls around, it feels like the middle of the night and I find myself with my eyes half open searching for bed.

But the thing that really gets my panties in a twist is the fact that I can’t seem to remember this happening every single year.  It causes confusion, lots of adjusting and going to bed with the chickens.  I guess that’s not such a bad thing after all.

Blessings – Debbie

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