Hubby’s Bailiwick

Christmas is the time of year when cards and newsletters are added to the list of things to do. And in our household, hubby holds the reigns to that overwhelming task. If it were up to me, I’m not so sure family and friends would hear from us through snail mail each and every Christmas. But in a perfect setting they would all be mailed the day after Thanksgiving.

This Christmas is one of those years that I know that no one would hear a peep from us. No, not even the slightest peep of a signed Christmas card. It’s a year that I’ve asked hubby if we could just do a Happy New Year newsletter. After all, he’s so busy and I hate the thought of adding more to his plate, so I tried to make his load lighter. But he seems to have a built in Christmas clock and he can’t imagine letting one Christmas go by without putting our annual newsletter together. And this year made no exception.

He finished and presented me with all the copies last evening. That’s when his job ends and my little contribution to the newsletter kicks in. I love my job and feel I totally get the easy end of it.

This was my little set up this morning

Our 11th edition

LOVE those pull and seal envelopes – Many a thank you to the inventor of these guys

Hubby called to see how I was doing and I told him I was on a roll to get them in the mail.

As the envelopes pile up, the newsletter stack (to fold) goes down

By 11:30 the entire stack of newsletters were folded, stuffed, stamped and labeled and in a sack to deliver to the PO.

Indeed they were mailed today and should reach most destinations by Christmas!

So today I count our little Christmas Newsletter blessings. And thankful that hubby takes this job seriously each year. Because we now have quite a nice stash of memories from years past.

Our newsletters have become one of my favorite keepsakes ever. I brought them with me as I can’t imagine leaving them behind. They hold the news of our lives from the very beginning and it’s fun each year to go back and see all the places we’ve been together.

2006 was so much fun to put together. We had our picture taken that year especially for our Christmas card and newsletter. Little did we know (at the time) that that would be our last year in Texas.

The Christmas card of 2006

The Newsletter design

5 cents in the corner

In 2005 we used a picture of our home with snow. I added the little ornaments to the trees and did a few things to make the card.

Matching card and newsletter

2003 Christmas Card – Our first Texas Christmas

And inside the card

A Merry Christmas from Hawaii back in 2001

And the inside of the card – The newsletter was along the same lines as the card.

I’ll always be grateful to my husband for all the work he puts into making our memories special for family, friends and for me. This will be one of those folders that we will cherish forever.

5 thoughts on “Hubby’s Bailiwick

  1. Thanks Debbie for posting your “memory lane”!! Since I haven’t been able to get those from you over the years I especially enjoyed them!! They were all very clever and cute!! ~ Beth

  2. Hi Debbie! Happy Holidays! I had to go back a ways to find out why you are in California now! I was surprised to read it, but it sounds like you are happy and settling in!
    Have a great new year!

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