Up to Our Eyeballs

I’ve been away far too long, so long that I hardly know where to begin.

The good news is:

• We closed on the house
• We’re finally right smack dab in the middle of all our stuff
• And it’s a beautiful new chapter in our lives

We were delayed on the closing by a few days because the builder needed to finish up a few things. However, she was kind enough to allow us to move in before the closing as our lease ran out on the apartment.

So over to the house we came with our belongings (it will be two weeks tomorrow) from the apartment and we settled in.

We closed on the house a week and ½ ago.

Then, the movers arrived with our things from storage this past Tuesday.

Along with a tag along truck with more stuff, they say we had a total of 23,000 pounds of stuff. We’re hoping to get rid of some junk as we go along. That’s way too much for two people.

Hubby got home from work just in time to…

Observe the unloading of one of the things he’s missed most the last two years.

And one on my babies arrived too, my kiln! It took 5 guys to man handle this thing off the truck and down the drive, it’s on wheels at that.

In no time the rooms began to fill with furniture and boxes and things we totally forgot we even had.


Dining room

His and Her Office

One side of our bedroom

And a partial view of the other

Foyer, not too much going on there

Family room

And in the midst of all our mess, the cabinet man came over to work on hubby’s built-in’s. We look forward to the completion of the units.

We declined the movers service of unpacking as we wanted to do that ourselves. So from Wednesday through Saturday I spent unpacking. So far, the kitchen, master bed/bath and living room are unpacked. My next room is the dining room, I should have that tackled tomorrow.

My kitchen is almost ready to share but not quite as I still have things to display and pictures to hang in the breakfast area.

The living room is pretty much all fixed up but still in need of pictures and our bedroom is the same.

Hubby was out of town the last few days and one evening I had an alarm go off on the house. It was early enough in the evening that I called the builder and she told me not to worry and that she and her team would be out the following day.

Here’s what that thing-a-ma-jigger looked like going off that night.

I turned on the box fan to drown the noise and was able to sleep through it no prob.

And here’s a little pic from the balcony. Love the changing color in the leaves.

So for now I’m letting the season determine weather it’s summer or autumn and she speaks…

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