Post Office Run

A trip to the post office proves to be fun. Of course a trip to the post office is always fun as I’m completely mesmerized in the historic district. Our post office is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and the interior is surrounded with beautiful murals.

But first I need to get there, yes, there’s work to be done, the car is already warming and here’s a little snippet of what I got to play in.

I pass by this building on my way to the post office and those red doors always speak to me. I LOVE them! I want to paint our front door red and each time I see these I wonder if I’ll be that bold. Time will tell.

I love the architecture of this place but it’s the tippy top I LOVE most!

This beautiful Church stirs up a child like imagination. I was a dreamer when I was a little girl and I can only imagine the imagination I would have had at this place.

When I look at that door I wonder… Does it creak and what would it be like to pass under that arch? It was so nice to just pause and take a moment …

Here’s a church with a fresh splash of paint – I like it.

I finally arrived at the Post Office (yesterday). It was the day I made sure to have my camera. After I started taking numerous pictures and really giving lots of attention to the art, the post master took note. He asked “Do you know the history of our PO and those paintings”? “No”, I replied. Then is when I learned the details. Those paintings are registered with the Smithsonian. I learned that photographers come from all over to take these pictures and here I was just taking the beautiful art for granted. May I continue to open my eyes more and enjoy these blessings along the way.

Now hubby says that I need to go back with a ladder so that I can be high enough to take those pictures head on! Can you see me now?

6 thoughts on “Post Office Run

  1. I love the photos!! Great architecture always intrigues me.

    Your vehicle looks like how Tom’s will be when he gets out of work later today…as we’re getting pelted with more snow, high winds, severe wind chill readings…and POSSIBLE BLIZZARD CONDITIONS later!

    OH yea, can you say WINTER?!?

  2. If you take a ladder take the name of a prestigious organization that you are taking the photos for. You can come up with a name! What a lovely tour. Our post office is almost nondescript.
    Roberta Anne

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