Special Dishes

On a sentimental note, mom gave me a couple dishes. They’re not just your average dish either, they’re a couple special dishes that my grandma used to use and to me they’re priceless.

They found a new home sitting atop the microwave. I love the way the lighting under the cabinets illuminates these bowls clarifying the detail. And now I can’t imagine putting these any other place.

I took a few more pictures of the poinsettia. They seemed too exposed the other day so I’m toying with the other setting options.

I have not made any New Year resolutions per se. But I will say that I’m working on the goals I set for myself throughout the year. I try not to wait ‘til New Years to make resolutions rather I would like to continue making adjustments along the way. Each New Year is a new leaf, a fresh start, a point of reference that I like to build on. And I’m looking ahead to this New Year with Hope.

2 thoughts on “Special Dishes

  1. Debby
    How timely is your post for me. I have crystal from my Gramma and my Mom and some of my own and I am getting ready to gift it to my grand daughter and it made me feel good that you were so please and hopefully she will be too. I want to pass some of these things on now while I can enjoy giving them.
    Roberta Anne

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