Picture Fun With Hubby

I got this idea from my friend Liz. She did something similar to this with her wonderful dearest hubby sometime back while he was “trying” to watch tv (I think football if my memory serves me right) and it truly made me want to do the same with my darlin’. Thanks for the idea Liz!

The idea was to snap pictures of my hubby while he was busy doing something. Also, I tried to remain quiet as not to disturb him. He’s busy and the only thing to disturb him was to be the flash of the camera. Shhhhhh It’s quiet time from this point forward. So this afternoon was the perfect day to get his many expressions which I love so much.

The setting – He was in his favorite spot (football game in the background) working on our Christmas newsletter. So without further ado here’s my fun with him. Remember quiet Debbie! I want to get his accurate expressions without too much interruption.

Here he is in the ZONE – This is exactly how he looks when he gets down to business.

Then he pauses to think – I can just see his wheels turning.

SNAP SNAP SNAP… He begins to catch on that I’m continuing to take his picture – I love that break on his face with a smile as I begin to get his attention.

Keep on snapping to see what happens… It didn’t take long for him to do this – I finally got his full attention – SNAP! – He cracks me up! (oops, I laughed)

Snap – snap – snap – (I was the paparazzi and he’s my STAR) and then he lets out a big growl – I love his growl – it really is bigger than his bite and he couldn’t scare me if he tried! SNAP!

Don’t stop taking pictures though cause there’s more fun to be had! So Yes this has to be my absolute favorite one. I had the camera ready and when he looked over with a hint of a smile with those pleading eyes begging me to stop. BAM! I GOT IT! And I love him and this pic so much!

And that is where I stop and give him a little kiss and tell him that I can’t get enough of him! He’s the best!

What are you waiting for – try this on your man/woman – it is a TON OF FUN – I’m so glad I did!

9 thoughts on “Picture Fun With Hubby

  1. That’s great… I’m sure he’s even happier to know that they showed up all over blogland. Of course, he should be used to that by now! We should take pictures of all our loved ones in this way, it is after all ‘those looks’ that we think of, right?
    Karla & Karrie

  2. Very fun! I think if I tried that with my hubby, it wouldn’t turn out so well. Think rolling eyes and the back of his head as he walks away. He doesn’t like having his picture taken. But I might try it just to see what happens! You guys are a sweet couple!

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