Favorite Purchase This Week

Swarovski – we had to learn how to pronounce it way back when, because we love it so much. It’s pronounced just like swore – off – ski. We’ve collected the Swarovski star ornaments since we’ve been together which includes the year we started dating in 1997. We totally missed getting our ornament last year due to being in the midst of our move and still living in a hotel.

We were having a nice visit this evening when my thoughts drifted and I exclaimed “honey! We never got our ornament last year”! So Bobby said “get it, you should be able to find a new one with the papers on e-bay”. I was quite pleased as I found a Buy It Now for $40.00 including shipping. These ornaments went for $70.00 in the store last year so we were pleased with the deal.

These ornaments continue to appreciate through the years. I just checked e-bay and our 1997 ornament is going for over $150 and the 1999 ornament is going for over $200. So you can see why I was so urgent to get our ornament sooner rather than later.

And now all is well and we will continue living happily ever after now that our favorite Christmas ornament collection is up to date.

3 thoughts on “Favorite Purchase This Week

  1. VEry pretty! I love swarovski stuff. Our toasting glasses are from them…:) Thanks for stopping by 😉 I think I couls stripe everything and love it, though it might get a little much 😉 Jen R

  2. Those are so pretty! We have about 15 years of the White House ornaments and I’m missing one some how and it drives me nuts. I need to order my missing one too!

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