My New Best Friend

We were neighbors with Frannie for 5 + years and I speak with her more now than I ever did in TX. Sure we had the party’s and visits with them, waved when we saw each other driving away, visited when we were out in our yards and during the holidays while out stringing lights, ya know all the neighborly things we do with neighbors.

Well Frannie and I have become best email buds and we have officially named us as best email friends. It’s true, as we send notes back and forth about our days almost every single day and this has gone on for weeks now. And we’ve been known to pass notes several times during the day.

It’s so sad we didn’t visit more often when we were neighbors as I miss seeing her but what a joy this has been to keep up with Frannie and also hear what’s going on back at the old home front. But I shall say that I want this to be a reminder to spend more time with my neighbors and get to know them while we’re here, because there is no promise that we’ll be here forever.

3 thoughts on “My New Best Friend

  1. That is neat about your new friend!Funny thing..I found out yesterday that some of our neighbors are moving & I was so bummed out, I haven’t gotten to know them very well…but was always planning to invite them over & never did!

  2. That is SO fun! It’s funny how timing sometimes works in unusual ways–even though you aren’t close in proximity now, you are close in heart!

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