Ice, Sleet and Sales

We had a great day (yesterday) in spite of the ice, sleet and whatnot. Bobby opted not to get out there in the mess and stayed home. We neither one have 4 wheel drives nor does Bobby want to take chances, so he worked from home.

He did take on another roll yesterday changing hats depending on whether our phone was ringing or not. The ad for our furniture ran for the first day yesterday and our phone seemed to ring off the hook with loads of interest and I lost count of the callers early on. Many callers took the day off due to the weather and quite frankly most of them were not game to get out at all. As a matter of fact, Bobby was telling callers that they may want to hold off coming ‘til Saturday. Well, this one gentleman insisted on coming yesterday so Bobby didn’t hold him back. Out he came in his 4 wheel drive, came in, had a look, shelled out a substantial down payment and bought it! And the kicker is we made an extra $250 smackers on top of what we purchased the set for. He’s made plans to pick it up the beginning of the week depending on weather conditions and we’ll be reclining soon with our new set!

3 thoughts on “Ice, Sleet and Sales

  1. Debbie, thanks so much for your encouraging comment! 🙂 I think it is so neat that you guys were in Korea too! Why were you here and where did you live? If you ever want to come back, make sure you let me know! 🙂 Do you miss the food? I love Korean food. I was wondering, what is the one thing you miss the most about here, as far as food is concerned?

  2. Hi girl! I’m back & enjoyed catching up on your blogging! Your page looks great…so pretty. Also glad you found the furniture that you really wanted…how great is that?!

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