In Business

I’ve stained the outside of this piece and I’ll be adding a bright color inside. Something like a harvest gold, emerald, or maybe even an electric blue. The outside will look pretty much the way it looks now after its fired.

I just took the above piece out of my truck and took the pic right there on the concrete for better lighting, please forgive the background.

Over the course of my 3 years making pottery, one of my biggest struggles is in the glazing and having the colors come out even over the entire piece. I’ve taken a hammer to many a piece and continue to get out that hammer out from time to time. As a matter of fact I had that hammer going on a couple pieces last weekend. When Bobby looked in the trash, he thought I accidentally broke some of my pottery and he had this really sad look on his face. I said, it’s alright honey, I broke them on purpose. It would be so easy if I could just dip my pieces but their too big to fit into the 5 gallon buckets of glaze. I’ve glazed with the brush method, the pour method and the spray method. The sprayer works the best but I believe I just found my new glaze method! Last Tuesday afternoon in class I was staining some of my pieces when the instructor gave me a great idea. She loved the way my textured pieces looked with the stain and to be honest I really like the way they looked as well. I’ve done some staining in the past and now I think I’m hooked. Now I’ll just add a nice color of glaze inside to make the piece pop.

She also gave me an idea to select three colors that I really like and use those colors 100% of the time as my signature colors. I’m ramping up to get my things into the galleries next month and I think that’s going to be my ticket. She also said as I become known people will be able to look at the piece and know that I am the artist. There are many potters in town that I can tell whose work it is by seeing the piece and it’s my goal to do the same.

Bobby’s taking me shopping for glazes at my very favorite pottery supply store next Friday (his Friday off). I’m pretty stoked about this new me in pottery! I’ll be glazing at home in no time and that just blows my mind! I finally feel like I’m in business.

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