Baby Steps

There are times when “Baby Steps” turn into giant leaps.  But for now, I’m just working on “Baby Steps” period.

This week is all about getting myself back into the health wagon.  And the way I see it, I’m not ready to do everything all at once.

This week is all about focus.

And by that, I mean getting my calories “ALL” under control.  I’ve managed to do that both yesterday and today.  But there are still areas to work on.

Things like:  Getting more protein, exercise, taking in more water…All things I will embrace in time.

Take today for instance, I found a new coffee flavor, it’s so yummy.

And this afternoon, I wanted another cup.  Now I normally (before Keurig) have one cup of coffee in the mornings.  But with this new Keurig thing in the house, I’ve had 2 – 3 cups a day.

So what did I do with my afternoon yearning for another cup of coffee?  I had it.  The calories come in the form of cream added to each cup = 105 calories per cup of coffee.

That just means 210 calories less that I can spend on food today.  And I’m ok with that for now, but not for long.

Yup, this week is all about weighing, measuring and counting every calorie that goes in.  And not exceeding the feed limit.  Because, that’s what it’s all about.  Baby Steps.

Blessings – Debbie

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