I’m A Scavenger At Heart

It was a lovely and busy day. A day that called for a lot more thought than the norm. A list was made and this scavenger is on the prowl.

Our photography assignment this week is “I’m A Scavenger At Heart”. We’re getting tested to see how well we know our A B C’s.

Starting with the letter “A” and ending with the letter “Z”. We are to photograph objects that begin with that particular letter.

Our photographs MUST be of the real object that begins with that letter. And we are not to use similar objects for different letters. Like J for jewelry, n for necklace, r for ring…

We may use a person for “Human” but not as their name. So there will be nothing like D for Debbie…

We may not attempt to capture emotions or feelings or use colors as they are intangible.

No proper names allowed like: XBox, iPhone and there will be no taking pictures of signs with “zoo” and using that for z. S is for Sign, not what the sign says. We may take a shot of a restaurant for r but not the name of a restaurant. Reminder, it has to be tangible.

He spelled it out in black and white and the rules must be followed. 4 points will be subtracted for each unacceptable object.

Total points possible = 100

That said, I’m so excited about the challenge this week. I’ve already had a great day capturing a few letters of the alphabet including the letter X! Wanna take a guess what I snapped? I got really lucky with my x this week as my dentist appointment was scheduled for today. Can you guess now? I’m sure you guessed. Check out the pix to see for sure.

D is for Dice

H is for Hat

M is for Magnifying Glass

S is for Scissors – I scavenged every pair of scissors in the house for this shot.

X is for X-ray – Lucky me, I had my checkup this morning. That is one of my X-rays on the screen. She was such a good sport to pose for this shot.  Cheers to another great visit and for crossing X off my list!

Z is for Zipper

While I know my A B C’s, it’s tricky taking them in order. I’m still brainstorming with some of those letters and having lots of fun with this assignment.

There are still many letters in the alphabet. Stay tuned to see what I come up with.

Blessings – Debbie

6 thoughts on “I’m A Scavenger At Heart

  1. I’ve been trying to click “Like” and add a remark on your post on FB but it keeps telling me I “don’t have sufficient permission to do that.” Well, yes I do!!! I enjoy reading your blog!


  2. Pingback: I’m A Scurrying Scavenger | I Call The Shot – one picture at a time

  3. Pingback: I’m A Scavenger – Continued | I Call The Shot – one picture at a time

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