The Calm

Calm is when the flurry of scurrying and scavenging is done. It’s when I finally say (to myself) I’m happy with the result. There truly is something to be said about the sweet peace that tags along in the end.

There were objects in the assignment (this week) that were shot many times in several different locations. Like the cups (below). I wasn’t happy with the shot I posted the other day. The background was boring and needed some pop.

That’s when I got the bright idea to use this colorful blue paper for the background. This is the shot of cups that made me happy in the end.

C is for Cups

S – Remember the stack of scissors I posted the other day? Well, there was something about it that just didn’t jive. The more I looked at it, the more I didn’t like the shot.

While searching the house (high and low) for something that started with s, is when this little stapler in the office “SCREAMED” at me. From the moment my eyes hit it, that’s when I knew this little guy would be perfect for S.

I grabbed a large dinner plate to set up the display and scattered the staples for interest.

S is for Stapler

I is for ice. Try as I may, I did not capture the shot I was hoping to get. But in the end I captured something I like even better. I’m learning to continue shooting, from all angles as you never know unless you try.

The thing I like most about this shot is the reflection of the glass on the table. I like that little element of surprise.

I is for Ice

Last but not least. The Z! Oh the z nearly put me over the edge. The shots I worked on with my dresses (the zippers) just didn’t cut it for me. I think they lacked excitement and there was nothing about the shot that caused me to “want” to pause and look further. It was then that I accepted it and began to look for another object.

It was another lightbulb moment when I discovered this pair of boots with zippers. I knew at once that this boot was “just” what I was searching for.

It took a bit of time to find the right background, but once I found it, I knew.

Z is for Zipper

I learned a lot from this assignment. It was a challenge, I had a TON of fun! And I learned not to accept something just because it will make the grade or get me thru.

It’s a constant challenge to improve and to use what I have to see the world around me thru the lens. My wish is to grow daily thru this process and to feel calm (knowing I did my best) at the end of each assignment.

Blessings – Debbie

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