Splish Splash

We’ve had more fun on these rainy days. And there is no such thing as letting this bring us down. The hubs and I had another wonderful day. We went shopping, out to lunch and then we took a moment to run over to the mall to check out an item in the Apple Store.

We also brought in some wood from our big stash out back, as we plan to throw the logs on the fire and stay nice and warm the rest of the evening.

But it was the break in the rain that allowed me to get out and shoot. Originally I wanted to shoot single drops of water, but we could not come up with a solid plan for that.

So my next idea was to drop a lime into a (small juice) glass full of water.


But I needed a helping hand. So the hubs gladly gave his time to continue dropping the lime.

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As soon as it hit the bottom, he reached down in, rescued the lime, filled the glass with water and proceeded to do the whole thing all over again.


 Talk about me getting my kicks, there are no words.


Over and over we played.


as each and every splash is different than the last.


That’s what made this so much fun.


Splishin’ and a splashin’

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It’s hard to put into words the joy that came from this little project.

Have you any idea how I wish I had yet another hand? I believe I could do this all day long and never get bored.


We stopped playing as soon as we felt more raindrops.

I believe I should have at least one shot to make the cut for my homework assignment.

Question: If you are reading this, do you have a favorite? Any suggestions are much appreciated. It’s difficult for me to narrow it down to just one.

Thanks in advance!

Blessings – Debbie

2 thoughts on “Splish Splash

  1. My favorite would be #6597 because of the explosive spray pattern as well as the small trace of bubbles trailing from the tiny dimples of the lime. I also like 6595; the shape of column of water coming out of the glass reminds me of the flame from the torch on the Statue of Liberty. Nicely done! You, (and Hubs), should be proud of the result.

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