Crazy Week of Diverticulitis

It’s been one of those crazy weeks. And it all started sometime during the night on Sunday.

It came swiftly thru the night and attacked my lower abdomen with a severe pain.

Monday morning, I didn’t say anything to the hubs, or anybody for that matter. As I thought to myself.

It has to be a very sore muscle, that sounds about right from the work I had done over the weekend.

As I put one foot in front of the other, the pain would not subside. I continued to tell myself all day, that it was just a muscle.

It was onwards and upwards to school, to work on my project.


That evening, I pretty much sat on the love seat nursing myself and still didn’t say a word to the hubs about it.

Nighttime rolled around and the rest came and went like waves. Rest a little, lay wide awake in pain as I tried to find a comfortable position. All the while wondering if morning would come.

Morning did come! And that is when I told the hubs all about it. Followed by saying “I think I’m going to call my Dr. right away.” The hubs said “Don’t mess around with that, call your Dr. as soon as the office opens.”

And so I did. And the nurse put me on hold and soon I was talking to my Dr. who thought it necessary to be on the phone with me. After asking a series of questions, she said. “I want you to go straight to Urgent Care and do not drive, have your husband drive you”.

As I was calling the hubs, he was getting into work. And he said “Hold on for just a few minutes, I’ll be right there.”

Back to the house he came, ready to do whatever he needed to do to get me back on my feet.

He ushered me into Urgent Care and from there Urgent Care sent me directly to the Hospital/ER.

The hubs took this shot just before my warm blanket arrived.


After the Dr. prodded in a few areas, the decision was made for a CT Scan.

And so it was, I had the hubs by my side, drank the fluids necessary, had an IV going and jumped thru the hoops necessary to have my very first CT Scan. Although I did put a stop to the morfeen they wanted to put into my system. I would much prefer the pain than to have that stuff making me sick to my stomach.

Then I was wheeled away to have a CT Scan look see. It wasn’t bad at all. But the die part was my least favorite. Die was pumped thru the IV and into my system. And the crazy taste and burning sensation all thru my body, even my tongue, was just a little too bizarre.

Soon we knew what was causing all the fuss. I had a case of diverticulitis. Description below taken from Mayo Clinic.

Diverticulitis (di-vur-tik-u-LI-tis) occurs when one or more diverticula in your digestive tract become inflamed or infected. Diverticula are small, bulging pouches that can form anywhere in your digestive system, including your esophagus, stomach and small intestine. However, they’re most commonly found in the large intestine.

Diverticula are common, especially after age 40. When you have diverticula, the condition is known as diverticulosis. You may never even know you have these pouches because they seldom cause any problems, such as diverticulitis.

So that diverticulitis is what has had my attention the last few days. But I’m happy to report it was this, rather than something else.

I’m following strict Dr. orders regarding what I eat. It can be a bit controversial when I see different opinions out there on the web. But I’m doing what I’m told as I would much prefer a bland diet as to have that pain anywhere near me.

Our Tuesday began at 8am with a phone call to my Dr. and ended at 4:30 when we left the ER. I was so happy the hubs insisted to be right there with me all day. I even tried to get him to break for lunch, but he had no part of that. He’s something else and I love him more than he will ever know.

The hubs even stayed home Wednesday to be sure that I was going to be ok. I’m on the mend and feeling so much better today. It is amazing what a lot of rest, meds and diet for this disease, will do for a body. Cheers!

And I leave you a picture from the garden, as it would not be right without a pretty shot.


Blessings – Debbie

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