Crisp Fogy Morning Walk

Oh my oh me or is it – o me-o, my-o?  All I know is this one thing, my legs are still in pain from our hike this past Saturday.  Namely my claves are pretty much tight as ever.  As my feet hit the floor bright and early I could hardly put one foot in front of the other.  After a bit I was waddling and humored with my predicament.  It takes a while to go from neutral into first.  After awhile, my legs start to warm up and it’s not so bad.  Then is when I asked hubby if he thought it would do me good to get out and exercise.  He was all in favor, so long as I didn’t push too much.

So I promptly hit the pavement.

With my walking stick.  I left the other one at home.  It kinda felt good to have this in hand in the event I encounter a coyote, stray dog, snake or what-have-you.  Honestly, it was most helpful climbing nearly a 200′ hill, made me wish I had brought the other one today.

After climbing a few hills and 50 min later, I found myself in this spot for the next 15 or so min.

It’s nice not to be lying around.  But, I do hope these aches and pains wear off soon.

Hubby grilled extra chicken the other night such that I can have leftovers for lunch.  Served with fresh hunks of cucumber and cottage cheese, topped with lots of pepper.

It’s a great day.

Blessings – Debbie

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