
Breakfast is one of those meals where I start with first things first.  That = Coffee.   I generally don’t mix coffee with the food part unless we’re out-of-town or eating out.  Not that I don’t like the two together, I do, in fact I prefer it that way.  It’s just, well you know, when I get up, I want my cup of coffee first thing.

Now when it comes to the food part, I’m not so antsy.  For whatever reason, I don’t wake up starving and some mornings I don’t actually start the food portion until 10 AM or so.   And I tend to get into the rhythm of eating the same thing over and over.

For months, I was hooked on yogurt with piece of fruit or yogurt and cottage cheese mixed together.  I’m still hooked on yogurt and have one every day, just not for breakfast nowadays.

It was traded in for a brief visit with the green monster, not long ago.  But the monster didn’t last long.  It appears some rye bread made an appearance in the house.  It totally has my undivided attention.

My new favorite breakfast revolves around, lightly toasted rye and a boiled egg.

This 6 burner gas stove is my new favorite appliance in the kitchen. Not that I’ll ever use all of those burners at the same time, but I do love cooking with gas and the additional room the stove offers.

A rolling boil, that’s what happens fast with a gas burner.  Love me some instant heat!

A boiled egg mashed over lightly toasted rye, sprinkled with a generous portion of ground black pepper and a light dash of sea salt.

Awaiting the baby spinach to make it whole.

And this my friends was Breakfast.  A very yummy satisfying breakfast.

A breakfast worthy of taking pictures, it is that good!

Another thing worthy of pictures are these magnificent blossoms from our plum-tree.  I’m completely smitten each time I see a new blossom.

And our figs are growing by the day it seems.

But the question at the end of all of this is, “do you know what I’m thinking?”  Did you guess breakfast?  Good guess. I’m thinking about breakfast and how I’m going to have my rye and egg in the morning, that is, after my cup of coffee.

What’s your favorite breakfast?

Blessings – Debbie

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