Beauty On The Inside While The Storm Rages

A clean kitchen does my heart good.

A clutter free sink is such a good feeling.

But I’m debating cleaning the oven before Christmas.

All in all, I’d say we’re all ready for Christmas, including the kitchen sink!

It continues to rain here in Southern California.  I think the rain will produce a nice fresh look for Christmas.

This little guy could use a little help along the lines of looking nice and fresh.

A stroll through the pergola…

Entering from the other side…

and on in a little further.  Everything is all pretty much doused with a great big portion of H2O.

The wind and rain brought lots of falling debris

it’s  all over the place.

The sky has been heavy this week but we’re looking forward to the beautiful blue skies with green vibrant landscapes very soon.  Although I think we’re in for yet another rainy day tomorrow.

The top of the mountain out back, covered with a little blanket of fog.

No matter how I look at it, I always enjoy this view.

 As I try to keep it clean on the inside, I certainly can’t keep up on the outside.

But the beautiful thing is that no matter what happens on the outside of our lives, we can still have beauty, peace and love on the inside.

Blessings – Debbie

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