Plugging Away With Allergies

My little cough is still ever present and going into the second week of this here coughing spell. That little tickle returned yesterday and the coughing continues. I started on the Claritin again yesterday and continued with it today. The tickle doesn’t seem so bad this afternoon and I’m praying this doesn’t last too long.

I did find a site to check on the pollen count for this area and it’s very high right now. I had allergies so bad when I was a kid and thought I grew out of them. I didn’t have any trouble in TX whatsoever but I guess this new area has awakened an allergy I didn’t realize existed. I’m getting lots and lots of sleep too as I went back to bed after Bobby went to work and slept a good two hours and then I took an afternoon nap and that should carry me through ‘til bedtime. I forgot how exhausting allergies can be and I’m so thankful for the rest.

2 thoughts on “Plugging Away With Allergies

  1. I did the same thing you did – took it till I felt better then after a few days went off it…big mistake on my part. Other than during the winter I had to stay on it all the time the other 3 seasons when I lived in NY…down here I don’t have to take it hardly ever.

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