Oatmeal-Chocolate Chip Cookies, Oh NO

Making Oatmeal-Chocolate Chip Cookies for Grandma, proves to be a colossal task. Hubby and Sis set out to make ma some cookies while I was away. The cookies were made with lots of love and care and placed into the Tupperware container for shipping. The cookies were made to perfection but evaporated out of that container before they even had time to reach the Post Office!

After I returned home, Hubby and Sis were in the mood for another round of cookies so the three of us made cookies together and I agreed to make ma’s cookies Monday (yesterday). Well, don’t ya know, Sunday’s cookies were polished off with some milk by 3 cookie monsters and I set out yesterday to make cookies for ma.

I mixed ma’s batch of cookies and even had a few left over for us. I boxed them in the container and placed the card from Sis to ma in there. Low and behold our little cookie monster ‘Sis’ got into those cookies during the night and I will be making yet another batch today.

When Hubby heard the exciting news that a monster had been into the cookies during the night, his eyes lit up! I put a little baggie in his lunch box so that he could enjoy them for the day.

The good news, I was asked to make a double batch of cookies so that we can surely get ma’s cookies in the mail without a hitch. I promised to make that double batch but asked that this be the LAST of the cookies in this house for a VERY long time.

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