Happy Mistakes

When I took private oil painting lessons years and years ago, my teacher would call these type errors ‘happy mistakes’. Yesterday while in my studio throwing vases and platters I went to make a smaller vase when all of a sudden things didn’t go the way I wanted them to. The clay got a little too dry and my fingers created a drag on the clay causing the clay to fold. I normally wad the clay up right then and there but before I had the chance, the clay spoke to me. It wanted to do something so I began to pinch it with my fingers allowing the clay to fall and drape where it wanted. I was pretty pleased with my little happy mistake, so here it is.

You may notice my brand spankin new red clay body. I’ve just changed to this color clay body because I like some of the effects if gives under certain glazes. You may not realize this but the glazes are different shades of color depending on which clay body that’s used.

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