What drives you crazy when you’re behind the wheel?
The big thing that drives me nuts is this gizmo/GPS holder that’s “supposed” to attach to the windshield. That thing seems to do everything in its power to annoy me.
I’m not a fan of this resting on the dashboard when I climb in the car or better yet falling off while I’m in route 2 and 3 x’s. Neither am I a fan of the constant perpetual licking and sticking of the mount to windshield. Nor am I a huge fan of the messy rings on the windshield. Small potatoes here, just sayin’. 🙂
I’ve had the urge for this Garmin beanbag for quite a while. Yay for me I remembered the other evening. And many thanks to hubby, as he ordered it for me on the spot. I can’t begin to say how delighted I was when the mailman made this little delivery today. Yay for no more suction mounts!
I couldn’t wait to check it out. I have a feeling we’re going to be great driving buddies from here on out.
The other bright spot in my day was a special visit from hubby for lunch.
It’s difficult getting back into the grove after spending a nice 4 day weekend together. Hubby took a vacation day yesterday to finish up the taxes + we went out for a nice dinner to celebrate + we enjoyed great conversations + had fun talking about stuff and life and how blessed we are to be right here together.
Blessings – Debbie