I'm A Clicker

Clicking anything to get it to do something is what I’m known best for around here.

If my camera is being used, it’s hard telling what setting I’ll change.

Or how many times I think I need to click the same thing.

There are times it’s necessary to tilt the camera and click.  That’s what makes me happy.

Then there are times I just like to CLICK!

Take for instance this mouse + stuff popping up on the screen = CLICK!  I click when I think I know what I’m doing, I click when I don’t know what I’m doing, I double-click to ensure I’ve clicked, I click when I just want that pop up ~ error ~ thingamadingy to go away.  People, it’s confirmed, I’m a clicker.

That’s when hubby has to come in and save the day.  He swoops in to ask, “did you block this or that”  me “I don’t know, I just click”.  Hubby stating in a warm silly tone.  “Yup, you’re my little clicker” as he proceeds to make it all better.  And we chuckled and laughed all afternoon because it’s so funny, yet true.  And he loves me because I’m a clicker, he wouldn’t have me any other way.  And that makes me so very happy.

~ The End

Blessings – Debbie

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