The Night The Lights Went Out

I interrupt our St Louis travel pix with an update to say we’re home sweet home!  Just one day into settling in we were hit with that huge power outage yesterday afternoon.

When the power goes off in San Diego, we party!  Hubby grilled a mean chicken and veggie meal.

 We shot pool before it got too dark and played backgammon by candle light.

We settled in the backyard where we enjoyed the beautiful night sky, cool breeze and bonfire.

This is as close to camping as we get.  What a beautiful night all the way around.

Our emergency radio came in handy.  Hubby posted this to his Facebook status, live as it happened:  “Some reporter just asked the spokesman when they knew there was a problem with the power grid, his response, “when the lights went out”. Bravo Sir, Bravo!”

Our little set-up.

The remains of our bonfire.  What a great way to make the most of our evening.

We were so thankful for the cool evening as it felt like air-conditioning with our bedroom windows open all night.

Sometime during the early morning hours, power returned and all is well in So Cal.

Blessings – Debbie

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