Got Root Rot

It seems the roots are in need of care, more often than not these days.  And I’m not talking about the garden, rather the top of my head.

Taking care of root rot has become a serious matter in the last 6 years.  Come to think about it, it’s like my roots turned against me overnight.

Yes, it was a cold, dark, spooky night when the root forces joined together and said “let’s go two-tone and see if she notices in the morning.”   Notice?  Would she notice?  Are you kidding?  I’ll never forget that day!  And of course the rushing to the phone to schedule my very first color ever.

Not cool the way it went down.  It nearly left me scared for life.  If I sound bitter, don’t worry, I found the key to make it all go away.  Cause today, I sat in that chair once again and all is right with the world and my roots.

Blessings – Debbie

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