The Art Of Living

There are days when I have to stop and think.  Think of how the art of living is right under my nose.  It does revolve around me but it does not wait for me to hop on.  I’m trying to latch on and truly take to heart the little things that move me.

Some of those things are not easy to put into words.  Left only be felt with the heart and fueled with the emotions we feel when the right moment strikes.  Does any of this make sense?

Take the shot below for example.  I took that shot out by the pool this morning.  But I knew I had plans, plans to work and play in Lightroom to the point my heart spoke and said yes, that’s what I’m looking for.

The histogram in manual mode looks like this:

Sony SLT – A-55V   Focal Length: 50.0mm  f/5.0  (35mm equivalent  75mm)  ISO:  400

The edit below was not quite what I was searching for. It was cropped way too much and it felt cold and harsh.  I could trash the whole thing and start over, or I could continue to make changes and wait for my heart speak.

So I played a bit longer.  I performed a little edit undo, if you will, to undo the major crop.  Next I fooled with tons of settings until it hit the sweet spot.  Something soft yet full of color, yes, this was exactly what I was searching for.

While it’s hard to put into words, perhaps it’s something you too can feel.

The art of living is not so much about the words, rather the way certain things move us.  What moves you, what stirs your heart to the point you feel it more than any word ever spoken?

Find that movement and run with the art of living.

Blessings – Debbie

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