Who Knew

While preparing lunch, I stopped what I was doing, grabbed my camera and ran out to take his picture.  It wasn’t until I downloaded the pictures that I noticed that vibrant blue under his chin.  I immediately jumped to conclusions and figured something was terribly wrong.  Something was either wrong with him or my camera.

Then when I examined the next picture, I not only noticed his blue chin but two blue stripes running down both sides of his belly.  That does it, I exclaimed to myself.  I dropped what I was doing for a quick little trip over to Google.  I found out he actually has a name.  Who knew?

Meet the “Western Fence Lizard aka Blue Belly Lizard”

Remember (a couple posts ago) me telling mister spider that if he made a new web how I would be the first to admire?  Well my wish came true today!  Wow!  Thank you mister spider, fantastic turn around time.

It was pretty difficult to get these shots but I had a ton of fun with it.

Just days ago, I had no clue what these huge buds were for.  If you don’t know either, just keep scrolling.

First comes the bud…

…then comes the blossom…

…Then comes this beautiful creation.  I had no clue.

One last picture.  Who knew?

Who knew outdoor visits provide such amazing daily changes?

Blessings – Debbie

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