Christmas Party

We had a party last evening but by the end of the night, I was far too tired to blog.  I’m so disapointed that I missed blogging yesterday. I had a goal to blog every day this month but it just didn’t work out.  I’ll continue to try to keep up the daily blog through the end of the month.  I’m trying to get myself back into the habit as I let the blog gather way too much dust this year.  I have goals for next year and want to continue to dedicate my time here.  Anyway, enough about this and back to the party.

A party has to start somewhere and the kitchen sink is where it all begins.

Getting ready for a bite or two…

Hubby made little cards for the food, I really like how they turned out.

Just about ready to dig in.  I forgot to take pics of the meat on the other counter…

We enjoyed visits with so many guests.  Meet Vern and Vicki, I learned that she and I share the interest of pottery.

After dinner, there were games to play.  The girls brought in chairs to watch the rousing pool games.

The Wii commanded attention

And new Mii’s were made.

All the while pool games were played

Phil getting ready to make a move.

And soon another game was underway.  Q racking the balls.

Well into the game.

Lorraine and Philip were amazing and there were many couple games played through the night.

Hubby and Nick in the middle of their game.

It was a night of snacking, eating yummy sweets and enjoyed with some pretty Christmas music.  It was a fun filled evening all the way around.

Hubby at the end of the night.

We’re thankful for friendships and blessed to have these great times to remember.

Blessings – Debbie

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