The Journey

We had talked of doing a couple different things today but things can change in an instant when boys want to play in the backyard.

And play they did.  The mountain behind our home is one of the things Hubby’s wanted to conquer and Ryan was all over that again today.

So I sent them off slathered in plenty of sun screen and lots of water and away they went, off to the back 40.

So happy Hubby took pictures all along the way

And these pics make me wish I had gone too

What a beautiful journey

There was no stopping them as they focused on reaching the top.

What amazing views they had.  They even got to sign the book (see Ryan signing the book in the pic above) at the top of the mountain.  Hubby knew it was there and I’m happy they were able to find it.  Way to go guys!

It was nice of hubby to call me now and then so that I could run out back to see them.  At one point it took forever for me to find them.  Hubby told me exactly where to stand and explained where I should point my head and I finally saw both of them WaaaAY up there waving their canes.  I was filled with a rush of excitement for them. 

What a nice day and I’m so happy they’re making such great memories.

We enjoyed a nice meal this evening and Ryan gave the restaurant a 10 out of 10 score for his meal.  I’d say he’s had a 10 out of 10 day.

Life’s journey takes effort but the prize is where to focus.

Blessings ~ Debbie

One thought on “The Journey

  1. AWWWWAAHHSOME! (yes, I know that is misspelled – just trying for you to get the feel of the spirit of which was stated! ha)

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