Dates With Hubby

Dates with hubby are some of the things I look forward to on weekends.  Actually what I look forward to most is our time together.  And this weekend was exceptional.  We pretty much hung out at the house + got a few things done + we did shoot some pool and had some really good matches + I enjoyed reading on the back porch + the weather around here hovered beautiful mid to low 70’s by mid day = a very enjoyable weekend.

So yesterday hubby mentioned he had a craving for Islands.

It’s a charmer with a true island feel inside out.

Hubby scoured the menu to find the perfect dish

While I already knew what I wanted

The grilled veggie tacos were so fresh and good!

Our dinner conversation drifted to our end of the summer plans.  Company will arrive this week, then hubby will be off on business a few days and our last summer hurrah before autumn.

We have so much to look forward to but the plan is to take it one day at a time.  Each day is an opportunity to make a lasting moment, make it special.

Blessings ~ Debbie

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